In season three, episode 12 of the Very Serious Crafts Podcast, Heidi eyes some zip ties, Mollie crafts under (literal) pressure, and Haley complains about making masks (again).

In season three, episode 12 of the Very Serious Crafts Podcast, Heidi eyes some zip ties, Mollie crafts under (literal) pressure, and Haley complains about making masks (again).
In season 3, episode 6 of the Very Serious Crafts Podcast, the gals find the Met’s YouTube vault, sew for spring, and unveil a pink book!
Hello, and welcome to The Very Serious Crafts Podcast, Season 3: Episode 4 – Virtual Craft Night, Awkward Outfits, and the Return of Latchook!
In season 3, episode 2 of The Very Serious Crafts Podcast, Haley sheds light on the dark side of glitter and Mollie uses a naughty word!
You’re reading The Very Serious Crafts Podcast, Season 2: Episode 26 – Show Notes: Crocheting Baby Yoda and a Very Serious Hamster Sweater Question!
In the final episode of season 2, the Very Serious Crafters talk about their sewing goals for the New Year and crocheting Baby Yoda.
You’re reading The Very Serious Crafts Podcast, Season 2: Episode 22 – Show Notes: Hoopless Stitching, a Boondoggle, and the Joy of Simple Projects!
In this episode, the Very Serious Crafters are shameless about breaking rules, ignoring projects, and taking craft snobs to task!
You’re reading The Very Serious Crafts Podcast, Season 2: Episode 20 – Show Notes: Craft Pranks, Color Swaps, and Taking Measurements!