You’re reading The Very Serious Crafts Podcast, Season 1: Episode 8 – Show Notes: Weaving, Stress Dreams, and a Terrifying Craft Tool!

You’re reading The Very Serious Crafts Podcast, Season 1: Episode 8 – Show Notes: Weaving, Stress Dreams, and a Terrifying Craft Tool!
In the Very Serious Crafts Podcast, Season 1: Episode 8, the Very Serious Crafters get, ahem, excited about craft supplies.
You’re reading The Very Serious Crafts Podcast, Season 1: Episode 2 – Show Notes: Magical Embroidery, UFOs, and Hamster Sweaters!
In the Very Serious Crafts Podcast, Season 1: Episode 2, Mollie explains how crafting can be quite magical, Heidi comes down with a very serious case of latch hook obsession, Haley takes you on a tour of her woefully neglected unfinished project box, and more. Listen and subscribe today!
You’re reading the show notes for The Very Serious Crafts Podcast, Season 1: Episode 1 – Craft Obsessions and a Lost Project! Find out what making bobbin lace looks like, which sewing patterns we’ve picked out for the summer, just how cute Mollie’s cat is (the answer: VERY cute), and much, much more.
In the Very Serious Crafts Podcast, Season 1: Episode 1, Haley and Mollie very seriously discuss bobbin lace, the dangers of crafting with catnip, the need to do some spring cleaning in the craft studio, and more. Listen and subscribe today!