Crafting tips and techniques Haley and Mollie wish they had known when they started.
A Very Unfiltered Discussion About [Craft Books of Old]
No matter how you make it or use it, we’re talking about lace and describing it with two F words: flouncy frippery.
It’s time to hit the road, rail, or air and do some serious crafting!
Things are finally taking shape as Haley and Mollie talk about resin, plaster, wax, and the long-forgotten Plastigoop!
They’re cute and cuddly, but there’s no question about it: our pets run wild in the craft room.
When it comes to organizing craft tools, supplies, and projects, is it any surprise that Haley, Mollie, and Katie Green Bean have a lot to talk about?
Love ’em or hate ’em, these materials are not always easy to work with.
It’s time to talk favorite fibers and textiles. Haley, Katie, and Mollie gush over the materials they love to work with, the items they’re willing to splurge on, and why it’s so hard to split up a set.