You’re reading The Very Serious Crafts Podcast, Season 1: Episode 5 – Show Notes: Creative Dads and Crafty Inheritances!

You’re reading The Very Serious Crafts Podcast, Season 1: Episode 5 – Show Notes: Creative Dads and Crafty Inheritances!
In the Very Serious Crafts Podcast, Season 1: Episode 5, Haley, Mollie, and Heidi honor their creative dads, plus talk about what to do with the craft items of departed (or not) family members.
You’re reading The Very Serious Crafts Podcast, Season 1: Episode 4 – show notes Inspiration, Craft Shame, and a Toy Sewing Machine!
In the Very Serious Crafts Podcast, Season 1: Episode 4, we discuss the 100 Days Project, Me Made May, and what happens when good ideas come along at bad times.
You’re reading The Very Serious Crafts Podcast, Season 1: Episode 3 – Show Notes: Moths, Mending and Making on a Deadline!
In the Very Serious Crafts Podcast, Season 1: Episode 3, Heidi discusses the pressure of knitting for a special occasion, Mollie shares a vintage visible mending find, and Haley uses a four-letter word: MOTH.
You’re reading The Very Serious Crafts Podcast, Season 1: Episode 2 – Show Notes: Magical Embroidery, UFOs, and Hamster Sweaters!
In the Very Serious Crafts Podcast, Season 1: Episode 2, Mollie explains how crafting can be quite magical, Heidi comes down with a very serious case of latch hook obsession, Haley takes you on a tour of her woefully neglected unfinished project box, and more. Listen and subscribe today!
You’re reading the show notes for The Very Serious Crafts Podcast, Season 1: Episode 1 – Craft Obsessions and a Lost Project! Find out what making bobbin lace looks like, which sewing patterns we’ve picked out for the summer, just how cute Mollie’s cat is (the answer: VERY cute), and much, much more.