A Very Unfiltered Discussion About [Highlights From our Friends on Patreon]: Because you all have some of the best things to say.

Season 4
A Very Unfiltered Discussion About [Highlights From our Friends on Patreon]: Because you all have some of the best things to say.
Haley, Katie, and Mollie share some of their favorite handmade items and craft tools to give and receive.
A Very Unfiltered Discussion About [You Never Forget Your First Time]: We’re not sure what you were thinking, but obviously, we’re talking about crafts.
We’re getting our hands dirty as we discuss our favorite types of clay for crafting, including some clay recipes so you can make your own!
A Very Unfiltered Discussion About [Weird Requests]: This goes far beyond hemming a pair of jeans.
By hand, machine, stylus, or icing, fancy writing isn’t always easy. Unsurprisingly, we have many Thoughts and Feelings about it.
A Very Unfiltered Discussion About [Unusual Stitch Names]: We set out to check out new-to-us stitches and found an embroidered treasure.
From the spark of an idea to picking up a pencil (or not!) and making the final digital patterns, Haley, Katie, and Mollie discuss their processes for making new designs.
A Very Unfiltered Discussion About [The Super Craft Run]: Could someone please make this a thing?