Meet Your Hosts!

The Very Serious Crafts Podcast is a very serious podcast about very serious crafts from two very serious co-hosts. Meet them below!
Meet Haley:

Haley Pierson-Cox writes the craft blog Red-Handled Scissors. She’s a knitter, sewer, cross-stitcher, and general maker of things. She’s also a lover of cats, purveyor of quirk, and an avid swearing enthusiast. (But not on this podcast!) She’s sometimes an irritable cartoon called Tiny Cranky Haley.
Haley’s cross-stitch books are available in bookstores now!
Meet Mollie:

Mollie Johanson has loved creating and crafting cute things for as long as she can remember. She is the author of Stitch Love: Sweet Creatures Big & Small [affiliate link], and is known for her kawaii embroidery designs featuring sweet smiling faces. When she’s not stitching something cute, you might just find her with a cup of coffee in hand, and enjoying some sort of dessert for breakfast. Pie is her favorite.
Visit her blog, Wild Olive, at
Former Hosts:
Meet Heidi:

Heidi Gustad is a knitting, crochet and crafts Designer and former Librarian. She first learned to knit at age 8 from a grandmother who saw in her a need for something to keep her busy. Her obsession with primary colors, all things vintage, and clean lines can be seen throughout her work. You can keep up with her designs and more by following her blog, Hands Occupied, and searching your favorite social network for handsoccupied.