Hello, and welcome to The Very Serious Crafts Podcast, Season 3: Episode 12 – Avoided Explosions, Stress Candles, and Mostly Muskoxen!
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The Very Serious Crafts Podcast, Season 3: Episode 12 – Avoided Explosions, Stress Candles, and Mostly Muskoxen
In season three, episode 12 of the Very Serious Crafts Podcast, Heidi eyes some zip ties, Mollie crafts under (literal) pressure, and Haley complains about making masks (again).
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S3E12 Show Notes:
Here’s a roundup of the resources, patterns, and projects mentioned in this episode:
Heidi’s Date at the Botanical Gardens
Sew a Softie
♥ Mollie’s House Softie: http://wildolive.blogspot.com/2020/07/project-home-is-where-heart-is-sew.html
♥ Sew a Softie: https://www.sewasoftie.com/
♥ Sew a Softie on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sewasoftie/
UAFLARS: Univ. of Alaska Fairbanks Large Animal Research Station
“LARS is a 130 acre facility on Yankovich Road currently housing muskoxen and reindeer but is also periodically home to other large animals. We are located on a former homestead established by Mike Yankovich in 1923. Mike turned the farm over to the University in 1963 and we had our first muskoxen arrive in 1964.
Our animals are maintained for a wide variety of research and educational projects including reproduction, nutrition, energetics, and behavior. These herds are valuable for research on fundamental biological principles, biomedical sciences, validating and teaching wildlife and protocols, as well as evaluating and developing their use in Alaskan agriculture.”
♥ https://www.uaf.edu/lars/
♥ https://www.instagram.com/uaflars/
One time I visited a yak ranch – some day I want to visit the LARS. 🙂
Wild Animal Sanctuary
♥ https://www.wildanimalsanctuary.org/
Ondori Craft Books
♥ About Ondori on Wikipedia: https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E9%9B%84%E9%B6%8F%E7%A4%BE
♥ The three titles Mollie currently owns:
♥ Kinokuniya Bookstores: https://www.kinokuniya.com/
AccuQuilt Facemask Dies
♥ All AccuQuilt facemask dies: https://www.accuquilt.com/search?q=mask+pattern
♥ Kids AccuQuilt facemask die: https://www.accuquilt.com/go-diy-face-mask-small-die.html
Zip Ties & Drag Race
♥ Drag Queen Trinity the Tuck’s zip tie take on Prada: https://www.vogue.com/article/rupauls-drag-race-all-stars-4-trinity-the-tuck-prada-sarah-paulson
♥ How to make a zip tie outfit tutorial video:
Expanding Craft Supplies
♥ Shredded foam from the Foam Factory: https://www.foambymail.com/
Rolled Beeswax Candles
♥ Dreidel/Birthday candle-making kit: https://amzn.to/38CmJuQ (affiliate link)
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3 replies on “The Very Serious Crafts Podcast, Season 3: Episode 12 – Avoided Explosions, Stress Candles, and Mostly Muskoxen”
Mollie has some serious Dad Joke skills. Love it!
She definitely does! It always makes my day! -Haley