Hello, and welcome to The Very Serious Crafts Podcast, Season 3: Episode 8 – New Starts, a Hoop Sleuth, and Emotional Support Bananas! Want to listen to the episode or read the show notes? You’re in the right place!
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This episode of the Very Serious Crafts Podcast is brought to you by the Embroiderers’ Guild of America. EGA is a community of stitch-minded people who inspire passion for the needle arts through education and the celebration of its heritage. Join today to become a member of the community, gain access to educational opportunities, projects and more. Learn more at egausa.org.
The Very Serious Crafts Podcast, Season 3: Episode 8 – New Starts, a Hoop Sleuth, and Emotional Support Bananas
In season 3, episode 8 of the Very Serious Crafts Podcast, Heidi has a Netflix + craft recommendation, Mollie hunts for history, and Haley goes bananas. (Literally.)
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S3E8 Show Notes:
Here’s a roundup of the resources, patterns, and projects mentioned in this episode:
Mollie’s Starts and Finishes
- The Flora Jumper: https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/flora-jumper
Mollie’s Mom’s Long-Awaited Shawl:
Summer Reading Stitching Club:
Haley’s New Podcast
- The Bones & Bobbins Podcast:
- https://www.bonesandbobbins.com
Haley’s Secret Project in Progress:
Heidi’s Hopefully-Ordered Sewing Patterns
- The Hinterland Dress: https://sewliberated.com/products/hinterland-dress-pdf-sewing-pattern
The Reversible Metamorphic Dress:
Embroidery Hoop History
- Martha Stewart’s article about Helen A Harmes: https://www.marthastewart.com/1527184/meet-helen-harmes-invented-embroidery-hoop
- Helen’s patent application: https://patents.google.com/patent/US744070
- Lil Blue Boo’s helpful post about Gibbs Manufacturing’s hoops: https://www.lilblueboo.com/2016/04/vintage-sewing-supplies.html
- Mollie’s vintage Gibbs hoops:
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